The advancements in dentistry have led to more stable teeth
restorative techniques. The permanent solutions to counter adverse
effects of tooth decay and the tooth loss are far more popular than
the uncomfortable temporary restorations such as the Dentures.
Dentures or false teeth are used to reconstruct the missing or
decaying teeth. The conventional dentures are removable. Crown is aprosthetic device that is used as a cap over the decayed teeth or
cemented in place of missing teeth. It is permanently affixed and
cannot be removed.
Crown rectifies the shape, alignment and appearance of the missing
tooth. Crown dentures help the patient to reap advantages of having
real teeth such as chewing and beautifying smile. Unlike mercury
restoration methods, the materials used in crowns are not harmful.
The ceramic or porcelain does not have any harmful effects on the
health and well-being of the patient. Sometimes the porcelain is
bonded to a metal shell that results in more attractive and strong
If taken proper care of, the Crown Dentures can last for a lifetime.
A professional dental hospital provides patients the Dentures that
have longevity and efficiency. The patients can visit the hospital
for regular cleaning and check-ups to ensure that the Crowns are
working properly.
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