An Overview of the Crown Dentures

Written by bfcdental on Wednesday, February 10, 2016 at 4:49 AM

The advancements in dentistry have led to more stable teeth restorative techniques. The permanent solutions to counter adverse effects of tooth decay and the tooth loss are far more popular than the uncomfortable temporary restorations such as the Dentures.
Dentures or false teeth are used to reconstruct the missing or decaying teeth. The conventional dentures are removable. Crown is aprosthetic device that is used as a cap over the decayed teeth or cemented in place of missing teeth. It is permanently affixed and cannot be removed.
Crown rectifies the shape, alignment and appearance of the missing tooth. Crown dentures help the patient to reap advantages of having real teeth such as chewing and beautifying smile. Unlike mercury restoration methods, the materials used in crowns are not harmful. The ceramic or porcelain does not have any harmful effects on the health and well-being of the patient. Sometimes the porcelain is bonded to a metal shell that results in more attractive and strong tooth.
If taken proper care of, the Crown Dentures can last for a lifetime. A professional dental hospital provides patients the Dentures that have longevity and efficiency. The patients can visit the hospital for regular cleaning and check-ups to ensure that the Crowns are working properly.

Benefits of Mini Dental Implants Over Implants

Written by bfcdental on Monday, February 8, 2016 at 4:04 AM

The varied teeth restoration options available today have made it difficult to determine the right kind of procedure for each case. It’s very important to review all the long term solutions. You should consult a dentist and do exhaustive research through the Internet to adjudge the pros and cons of a particular dental procedure.
Mini implants are gaining wide popularity today due to its non-cumbersome nature and cost effectiveness over implants.
Some of the cons of MDI are listed below:
  • The procedure does not require very long period of time. They are smaller than regular implants and do not need any flap surgery, however they serve almost same advantages as regular implants.
  • The healing time is curtailed down to days, in comparison to Implants where it can take months for the healing process
  • Implants include a bone grafting procedure. Bone grafts are not required that makes it less expensive
  • Patient does not have to bear the inconvenience of visiting the clinic multiple times. The procedure is completed within hours causing less discomfort to the patient.
  • The failure chances are less. They do not feel awkward and sloppy.
It is advisable to visit a good dental hospital with advanced facilities for MDI procedure so that you do not have to be worried about any sloppiness