dental crown is a cap (tooth shaped), which is placed over a tooth to
restore its shape and size. It also provides strength to the tooth,
while improving its appearance. There are many situations that may
require your tooth to be restored with a crown denture in Bangkok,
some of the most common situations include:
canal: After performing root canal treatment, many dentists recommend
applying dental crown in the treated area to guard the teeth from
bacteria and support them in the process. Further, in many root canal
treatments, it becomes essential to fit crowns over the treated teeth
in order to avoid the high risk of facture.
of teeth: Dental crowns helps to change the undesirable appearance of
teeth by making them look more natural and beautiful.
filling: In large filling procedure, when there is not a lot of tooth
left, dental crows are required to cover and support the tooth.
reasons: Dental crowns may also be required to protect a weak tooth
from breaking, to repair an already broken tooth, to clasp a dental
bridge in place, to cover deformed or severely discolored teeth, to
cover a dental implant, etc.