An introduction to root canal treatment

Written by bfcdental on Tuesday, September 18, 2012 at 2:51 AM

Like cosmetic surgeries and mini dental implant, root canal treatment is just one more way to protect your tooth from further decay and restores your smile.

Why does tooth need root canal treatment?

Generally, tooth is made up of three layers, outer strong and hard enamel, intermediate tough dentin and inner soft pulp that include the nerve ending, blood vessels and other cells which preserve the vitality of the tooth. Root canal treatment removes the tooth’s pulp which is a small and thread- like tissue in the center of the tooth. Once the damaged and dead pulp is removed, the remaining portion is cleaned, shaped and filled. This procedure locks the root canal. In the earlier times, teeth with injured or diseased pulp were removed but these days, root canal treatment saves many teeth would otherwise be lost.

Root canal treatment is not as time consuming as other treatments like cosmetic dentistry where the completion of the whole process would take more than six to seven weeks at a stretch. The best thing about root canal treatment is that one would not have to lose one’s teeth by opting for removal straightway. Moreover, this treatment will last for a lifetime if you are regularly in touch with your dentist.

If you want to know more about root canal treatment, dental implant in Thailand and affordable dental implants, please visit

Essential information about mini dental implants

Written by bfcdental on at 2:39 AM

Having a beautiful smile with missing teeth can cause profound discomfiture among many people. Missing teeth is a common attribute, with seventy percent of people between the age of 35 and 45 years. Dental specialists in Thailand can help replace missing teeth using the mini dental implants


Mini dental implant is a much quicker and easier procedure. The mini dental implant measures less than three millimeters in diameter, whereas the other implants measure between four or five millimeters in diameter. Because of their small size, mini dental implants do not require large bone to be inserted and a hole does not need to be drilled into the jawbone. In fact, it can be easily installed into an existing gap left behind by a missing tooth without needing an incision cut into the gums.

With the usual dental implants a patient has to wait for three to six months before the implant integrates and the dentist can fit their dentures. But with the help of these mini dental implants, patients can have their dentures loaded after the implant is put in place. Moreover, mini dental implants can be used to replace a single missing tooth or multiple missing teeth. If you are undergoing this treatment, always remember that it is best to consult an experienced and professional dentist. 


If you want to know more about mini dental implants, dental implants in Thailand and bridge denture, please visit